Watch A body over the sea Online

watch A body over the sea
A body over the sea

A body over the sea Online

  • Genres: Documentary
  • Release Date: 09/09/2023
  • Duration : 19 minutes
  • Director: Gabriel Zhiminaicela, Christian Espinoza Parra
  • Production: Kinosur
  • Country: Ecuador
8 /10
1 votes


At 25, Christian begins to remember the rape he suffered as a child, so he decides to go to see the sea for the first time. The trip is traversed by the ghosts of the past, an uncertain present and a painful letter that tries to reveal the presence of a rapist.Christian tries to document his process to overcome his crisis and strengthen his relationship with Marlene, his mother. The two are not only closely linked by blood ties, but also by the silence that their bodies have kept for years.
