Watch History of Pottery and Ceramics in Algeria Online

watch History of Pottery and Ceramics in Algeria
History of Pottery and Ceramics in Algeria

History of Pottery and Ceramics in Algeria Online

  • Genres: Documentary
  • Release Date: 22/10/2004
  • Duration : 26 minutes
  • Director: Mohamed Oudjedoub
  • Production: Établissement Public de Télévision (EPTV)
  • Country: Algeria
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In Algeria, pottery is different from one region to another, the result of the various influences it has undergone throughout history. If the manufacturing steps are substantially the same, the result is far from identical. In Kabylia, for example, the pottery, decorated with patterns, is red in color. In the south of Adrar, there are objects with rather original shapes and black in color. The pottery of the Nementcha Mountains is fashioned in clay with pink tones and decorated with brown designs. Originally, objects were made in families and exchanged between neighbours...