Watch Videocracy Online

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Videocracy Online

  • Genres: Documentary
  • Release Date: 28/08/2009
  • Duration : 1 hour 25 minutes
  • Director: Erik Gandini
  • Production: Atmo Media Network
  • Country: Denmark, Finland, United Kingdom, Sweden
6 /10
43 votes


In a country where bella figura is a national pastime, Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi is the maestro of media manipulation. Having risen to political primacy with the aid of his Mediaset empire, he now controls 90% of the bel paese’s television channels including the state-run RAI network. Quantity, it seems, does not equal quality. Fed on a diet of semi-naked dancing girls, inane competitions and rickety reality shows built around the most ridiculous of premises, is it any wonder that Italians are becoming a nation of fame-hungry wannabes?
