Watch The Geography of the Body Online

watch The Geography of the Body
The Geography of the Body

The Geography of the Body Online

  • Genres: Documentary
  • Release Date: 01/01/1943
  • Duration : 7 minutes
  • Director: Willard Maas
  • Country: United States of America
5 /10
17 votes


A quotation from Aristophanes, "The desire and pursuit of the whole is called love," precedes views of a man and a woman's bodies, often in extreme close up. Off-screen, a voice recites fragments of oracular literature and purple prose. We see an eye, an ear, a mouth, a tongue, bits of hair, a hand, the tips of fingers, toes. Occasionally, the frame includes a larger scape of a body: a chest, a back, a breast. Usually the camera is stationery; sometimes, it moves across a body, remaining in close up. They hold hands for one moment. The bodies are without clothes; no genitalia are visible.