Watch Julie Mendez - from PTSD to Art Online

watch Julie Mendez - from PTSD to Art
Julie Mendez - from PTSD to Art

Julie Mendez - from PTSD to Art Online

  • Genres: War, Documentary
  • Release Date: 01/03/2013
  • Duration : 9 minutes
  • Director: Silvia Turchin
  • Production: El Dorado Films, Veteran Documentary Corps
  • Country: United States of America


Julie Mendez was a 17 year old teenager when she saw the "be all that you can be" Army recruiting messaging and decided to enlist. Her life would change forever when she was deployed to serve in the Iraq War. Her experiences changed her and she returned home to face feelings of isolation and depression. Always a creative person, Julie turned to art to help her process her experiences and begin to heal her PTSD.